POST 7: Changes to your Study Program

Well... If you are here again, that make me think that my blog is not too bad after all, anyway, let's continue.  As you may have imagined, because of my previous blogs post, I am studying music, specifically piano interpretation at the Universidad de Chile.  I can say that the things are not going very well in the music deparment of my university, there are many reasons but in here I will tell you about some "situations" that I would change, at least, so that the teaching style of my teachers is not embarrassing.

Certain subjects of the curriculum of the career are put inside just to filled it, it is deceitful because you wait more contents or at leats some challenge to pass the subjects but they are anything except a university subject. I speak specifically of the subjects called "CFBT", Art History and Stetic. This 2 subjects were a waste of time to me. Stetic not so much because someother interesting content was taught, but Art History was a total disappointment. It should be eliminated or the contents that are being taugth should be controled too.

Talking about infrastructure, the building is ancient but is not too bad, the problem here is sometimes there is not enough room to study, but out of that I don't see to much problems. The school is in the center of Santiago and it is close to the subway. 

The biggest problem are the pianos. The pianos in the school are in a disastrous condition, in exception of 3 or 2; the pianos are really unplayable. In my opinion, that is the most embarrasing situation on the faculty, the music deparment need urgently a renovation of it's pianos because even the quality of the teaching is being affected by the horrible condition of the pianos. Like all the others piano students, I dream that the pianos will someday be repaired, also that more pianos will be bough and finally the maintenance will be done correctly.


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